On Light Colored Pocket Squares

On Light Colored Pocket Squares

In pocket squares, different colors work than in ties, shirts or even suits. Since only such a small part of it is shown, one can get away with much louder colors, it even is a very good way to tastefully introduce an unusual color into your look. For that is the aim of the truly well dressed: to put together combinations that are at the same time interesting yet still in good taste. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: that’s exactly what Shibumi stands for: understated elegance.

Now if you see, for example, our pink silk pocket square, it might look a little busy; but in a combination, it works really well since you see just such a small part of it. The same goes for this turquoise one: when worn, you will mainly see the brown, orange and navy parts, all very easy to incorporate into your outfit. Pocket squares with a light blue ground are especially easy to wear since they tie so easily to your shirt; in fact, a light blue classic printed pocket square is as versatile as you can get.